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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Surf Master Club update

Hello Members of SMC,

this is your friendly and helpful admin to give you some progress to
whats happening at SMC and the growth of the site. Currently our site
stats for sign up is about 1600 sign up...its already burst the target I
set at 1500. Thank You members for bring in your friends and love ones
to be part of SMC. You will not let them down...They will be as happy
and glad as you for knowing this site. Cause we pay...and we pay FAST. Am
I right Members? Anyway further updates on the payout stats. Yes your
eyes are not fooling you. We had already burst the $200k payout in all.
And I am still processing payout every few minustes. You will see a big
increase every day on the payout. I am able to do that because of the
constant upgrades coming into SMC. This shows how BIG our site is.
Yes we are growing members...and we are growing HUGE!! All that is
possible simply because of one good reason. That is.... the MEMBERS!! Thank
You my dear Members!!
Also I would like to inform you that we had already upgraded to a
better and bigger server. All because we are expanding daily! Yes we are
always looking into all IT aspects just to make our site better and
Lastly SMC will be coming up with something very exciting in time to
come...basically you will have more opportunities to make more money!!
I will not disclose much for now...Stay tune to my updates!! So your surf and enjoy all the FAST payment!!
Thank You and have a great day!!!

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