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Monday, October 23, 2006

Dynamite Hyip deposit specials

Update from Steve, the admin:

I just finished paying the bonuses from 10/18 & 10/19 and have just
started on paying bonuses from 10/20 & 10/21. In the morning, I will pay
the weekend bonuses for the new members and let's go ahead and let all
of the members have a 5% deposit bonus special until tomorrow.

From 10/22 5:30 PM thru 10/23 11:00 AM, every investment between $20
and $1000 will get an extra 5% deposited to their accounts.

I finished all of the cashouts on the surf site today from Thursdays
requests, so tomorrow I will be able to finally get into the forums for
both sites. I still have a lot to do to get caught up, but I will get
it all done. There are so many more withdrawal requests coming through
now, so it just takes longer to get them all done, especially when you
have so many other things happening, so they get paid as always and
always will, but they will sometimes be up to 24 hours when there are so
many coming through. Enjoy the specials. Steve

If you are not a member of this site, you are missing out on money big time. See you at the bank.

Lightning Hyip - Is now open

I got this email from the admin of Lightning Hyip today:

ok guys
you dont have to worry when the site launches- you will get your ref
commissions into your account even if you dont have an active upgrade
but in order to cashout the commissions you will need to have an
upgrade of at least 50 percent of the amount u want to cashout
site will launch in about 6-7 hours


Get ready this is going to be a fun ride.

Hi everyone - for those that didnt notice we have launched!!!

happy profits!!!

Coming soon, great new info for Cha Cha guides

I've been searching around trying to find more info and how to help all my recent cha cha guides get off to a great start. Well I have found it. I'm happy to say that I will be implementing some wonderful information about Cha Cha to the website very soon. I hope to be done with it by the end of the week. So please stay posted. I've decided to fully change the way the Cha Cha section of the website will look. I'm trying to decide if I will just put the new info on a new site or not. Which goes to show you how much helpful information I have found. I'll make that decision today and get right to work on the new look. Just giving you guys a heads up. Thanks for being great Cha Cha guides.

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