ChaCha Search Search

Friday, October 06, 2006

Cha Cha updates

What a weekend we have in store for you!
The Good Morning America TV segment generated a huge response, including a slew of people wanting to join our great guide force. We have around 2,500 new guides coming into the system this weekend, and we need your expertise to help train them!

ChaCha Training Challenge
So we have a challenge for you! We are giving away $100 Gift Certificates to the top three guides that successfully complete the most training tasks this weekend. The challenge will begin Friday, October 06, 2006 at 11:59pm EDT and end on Sunday, October 08, 2006 at 12am EDT. On Monday we'll tally each guide's successful training tasks between this time, and the top 3 will earn a gift certificate!

What is considered a successful training task?
Here are a few steps you must complete for a training task to be considered successful:

1. Greet the Apprentice

2. If the search term is ambiguous, clarify what you would like the guide to search for

3. Ask what they chose as the primary phrase,and make sure it fits the search

4. Ask how the guide categorized the search, and confirm that it is categorized correctly

5. Check out their results and make sure they are relevant. This means that they are drilling down into their searches, and sending exact answers.

6. Ask the guide if they have any questions for you

This is your mission, should you choose to accept it
I'm really excited to see what all you Master Guides are made of, so get out there this weekend, and train, train, train and have a chance to earn a $100 gift certificate! Remember, you are still being paid for these training tasks, so you really can't lose!

--Sara, Your ChaCha Host

If you are interested in becoming a cha cha guide, please visit Get Paid With A Click. There is form there to fill out to be invited. This is the only way you can get in. You can not apply at to be a guide. Please only do this if you are serious about it. I have too many guides sign up and not working at all. Kind in mind, yes, you make your own schedule. However, don't waste my time or yours, if you are not interested in really working and making money. This is a real job. Thanks.

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