ChaCha Search Search

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Cha Cha guides - New opportunity


I just came across a great opportunity. There is a site that just launched last week called It's a search engine with a twist. You request to do a search and someone personally search the web for you for free. Imagine not get a bunch of crap in a search that you weren't looking for in the first place.

Anyway, this new concept was created by the same guy who invented the voicemail. He is paying people to find information for those in need of information. There is no investment involved. You just download a program and get paid for the searches you complete. As you move up in levels of expertise you get paid 10% of the money earn by those in your network.

Here's some information straight from the site:

All Guides will start at the “Apprentice” level, which is a simple practice/training period that prepares you for using the Guide tool and delivering relevant results to actual Users. Advancing beyond the Apprentice level to the “Pro” level should take no more than 30 minutes. Many people do it in less! Ultimately it’s up to you whether you do this all at once or break it up into stages, with a few minutes here and there (we recommend doing it all at once so it’s fresh in your mind!). Once you graduate to the Pro level you are a paid guide. Reaching the subsequent levels (“Master” and “Elite”) is performance-based as well.

Ok, so once you move beyond the Apprentice training level (which you can do in less time than it takes to eat dinner), you become a paid guide. Pro and Master Guides are paid at the rate of $5/hour for “active” time, which means when you are actively involved in using the system. Remember, if you need to take a phone call or take the dog for a walk, you can do that by marking yourself “unavailable.” This is considered “inactive” time (which is not compensated because you’ will be unable to accept queries when you’re marked unavailable). So trust us, when you’re online and able to assist with searches, you’ll want to be marked “available.” The great news is that the role of a ChaCha Guide is extremely flexible. You can work as much or as little as your personal schedule allows.

Beyond the base pay at the Pro and Master levels there are two additional ways to increase your earnings.

First, when you become an Elite guide (based on performance, this is reserved for the top Guides) you’ll be paid double, at a rate of $10 per “active” hour… in other words, the time when you are actively busy.

Second, once you reach the Master level you can sponsor other Guides by signing up trusted, on-line savvy friends to become a part of your network. As a Master Guide, you will earn 10% of what anyone in your ChaCha Network earns! It’s a quick way to multiply your income while having fun with people you know and trust! We recommend that you sponsor those that will really want to actively be involved.

What all of this means is that you can make convenient money, on your own time by providing answers to questions in subject areas that you love and care about! Pretty cool deal, huh?

I also wanted to note that on your first day as a Guide you’ll read and accept the “ChaCha Guide Participation and Independent Contractor Agreement” online, which will provide even more detailed information about being a Guide (you are able to terminate this agreement at any time).

We also ask that you keep this in mind - we’re a new service and still learning ourselves! We will pay in a way that is fair and reasonable, but we do ask for the flexibility to make changes necessary to benefit all of us – both you as a Guide and ChaCha as a whole!

This could be bigger than yahoo and google.

Get your invite and start making money now! I will need your email address to send you an invite.

I do not spam, you email address will not be kept on file somewhere.

Once invites are sent you email address will be disgarded.

Once you are all set up, you will see me in your Cha Cha application as your sponser. If you have any questions you can link to my page and post your questions there. Also an important note, you need to set your keywords up to a special format to get your training searches. Set them up as follows:

First one: You are going to click on "Arts" category, then "Radio" subcategory, then the keyword you need to find and add is "music"

Second one: You are going to click "Business" category, then "Employment" subcategory, then the keyword you need to find is "job"

Third one: You are going to click "Sports" category, then "Golf" subcategory, then the keyword you need to find is "golf"

Like I said if you have any other questions feel free to post on the cha cha application and I will get back to you promptly.

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