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Saturday, November 11, 2006

By The Second closed, Relaunch 11/12

Im sorry about the closing of BTS, but as people saw the funds
available had gone.

The reason I launched BTS was to test the script I had developed, and
that is the only reason
I wanted to see if was usable, and I am pleased to see by the many
comments received that it was

I have been flooded with requests for another session
and have decided to relaunch the site one more time

After this BTS will be closed for good, and I can continue to devlope
the script

The site will be the same, same rates, same referral, same everything

I have reset all current members accounts and have kept all down lines

You can now start to promote again if you wish

More news later today


Due to popular demand, and I mean very popular demand, tomorrow will
see BTS relaunched.

Nothing has changed apart from a few slight changes to the admin panel
and Database structure.

Launching Sunday 12th November 2006 12pm GMT

Offering 25% Daily for 5 days, however with a difference. You are
actually credited by the second.

Every time you press F5 or refresh the site you can actually watch your
balance increase.

The site is fully coded by myself, and first time out lasted for 18

As the site is coded by myself I am happy to bring in automatic
payments. Every member can request a payment 10 times per week.

At 00.01am every Monday the in built counter is reset and from that
point every member can request another 10 requests.

All funds are stored into two e-Gold accounts. One for incoming and one
for withdraws.

As stated the withdraws are processed automatically, however if there
are no funds in the outgoing account or the connection to the e-Gold
server is down
your withdraw will be placed into PENDING Status.

Please read regarding this.

All down lines and members accounts are intact from the first BTS.

This is the final release of my BTS script, and after this time the
site will be removed and I will develop the script further pending release
to the public.

If anyone wants any further information regarding BTS please contact

I ask for your support with BTS, please promote hard and remember to

If used right we can break the previous 18 day life we had


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