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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Having technical difficulties - GPWC Updates

I want to take this time to apologize for not being able to update the past couple of days. I have been having issues with my internet connection lately. It is really getting on my nerves. I have had 10 techs out to my house in the last month. If you know anything about any programs that may block an internet connection from getting through to my pc, please let me know. However I doubt that is the problem, that is what tech are telling me. I have run spybot, adaware, malware sweeper, mcafee anti virus and avg scans on my pc and have come up with nothing. I uninstalled my firewall because I was told this could be the problem. Still trying to figure it out.

Anyway, I am really behind on everything, internet wise. Please be patient. I will update the blog, hopefully tommorrow morning, provided my connection is working. There are also some new features I want to add to Get Paid With A Click, that I have not been able to get to due to the same reason, including adding more work from home sites. So please bear with me, as I work through these issues.

I am looking into a new ISP, but even that will take time to get into place.

If you are looking into any good hyips right now, ByTheSecond and WinterHyip, Sopranos4ever and Nexus Invest (7 day waiting period for payoout for Nexus) are the best picks for now.

ChaCha has gone to beta. Check it out. If you are looking for an invite there is still a hiring freeze right now. Please be patient, invites will be sent out in the order that they are received.

That's all for now. See you guys soon.

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