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Monday, October 02, 2006

Surf 2 Properity update

The AlertPay account is unlocked!! If you have any AlertPay withdrawal
requests, please go into your account and make sure you have your
AlertPay email address in your account info, because so many of you don't!!!
I can't pay you if your AlertPay email address is not listed in your
account. Don't assume it is there, go look!!

There is less money than I remember, I will figure that out later, but
I have somewhere around $1,300 to $1,400 to pay out, so get ready to
get paid.

I told Steve that he can use my AlertPay account if he wants to for his
site, because so many members want to use AlertPay. He is thinking
about it.

So, go check and make sure your AlertPay email address is in your info,
or I can't pay you. I'm going to wait and let everyone get that done,
because so many of the oldest requests, I can't pay because of this

I hope everyone is doing great and I can't wait to get all of this
money paid out!! I will talk to all of you soon.


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